Tuesday, July 9, 2013

List 1

     1. Yesterday I went to Albert Dock (I’ve got my favorite spot there, just by the wall, where I can lean against the bricks and stretch my legs) and I played some tunes. After a while there was a guy who came by bicycle and so it happened he liked Manu Chao. His name was Phil, we had a chat an he shared a bread and cheese with me. Music brings people together.

     2. Today I signed up to couchsurfing. I haven’t got a place to host people, but there are some couchsurfers' events in Liverpool, and still it’s a cool way to meet people. I suggested we could organize vegetarian dinner, where everyone brings some food. It could be fun.

     3. Yesterday night, I stumbled upon “The Girl From Ipanema” and I got un poco de taste for bossa nova. I’ve downloaded some stuff and I try to decide if I like it or not. Astrud Gilberto is playing now. There is something light and nostalgic about her songs. I’ll give it a chance. Trying new things is good.

     4. Bit worried about a job and money (haven’t got neither), but that’s old news.

     5. Unquenched longing. I guess I’m little bit homesick, missing Tatiana, my nephew and nieces, dogs, garden (Tania wrote me that the pumpkins and courgettes started to flower).

     6. Almost 11 PM, and yet the street is still noisy.

     7. The video below - from 1:00 - just see that guy dancing. This is... no words:) The coolest dance ever.


  1. ...and money (haven’t got neither), but that’s old news

    ...uhmmm wyrzeczenie jest bogactwem bramina;-)

  2. ...a tak swoją drogą muzyka rzeczywiście potrafi lączyć ludzi ...fajne ...swoją drogą ja bym tak nie potrafił...u mnie to trwa latami:-)

  3. Tancerz zeczywiscie wymiata, ale ta panna stoi jakby miotle spozyla przed chwila, zero emocji, absolutnie nic.

  4. tak na marginesie ...siostrze teraz w tej Anglii jak po grudzie idzie, znowu szuka innej roboty ...ehhh te niezbyt fajne strony życia
